
Test-bed SmoothieBoard Electronic Test. This application permit to test if missing components on the SmoothieBoard electronic card.

View the Project on GitHub ChristopherSainsaulieu/ScanComponentsPCB

Welcome to ScanComponentsPCB Pages.

What is ScanComponentsPCB ?

ScanComponentsPCB is a software available on Linux 32-bit/64-bit or Windows 32-bit/64-bit (it is also available on MacOS and Android ) programmed with Processing in Java, which can detect possible missing components on a electronic card. The project consists of a software part and hardware part.

Software part contains a database in which there is all the coordinates of components of the electronic card in millimeter. The mechanical/hardware part includes SolidWorks plans for the construction of the test-bed, which can be made with wood and used magnets for adjusting the webcam.

a exemple of test-bed prototype:

test-bed prototype

If you're wish using the ScanComponentsPCB for Mac, simply export the ScanComponentsPCB.pde file which Processing for Mac. If you're wish using the ScanComponentsPCB for Android, please refer to this Web page:

SmoothieBoard ( the electronic card use for test the project)

SmoothieBoard is an Open Source Hardware CNC controller board based on the LPC 1769 or LPC1768 Cortex-M3 chip. It is intended to run the Smoothie modular firmware ( GPL too ), and is targeted at 3D Printers, Laser cutters, CNC Mills, Pick and place and other small-sized CNC machines. Larger machines can be driven using the bare version and external drivers. Sources :

Detection of missing components

ScanComponentsPCB use the opencv for Processing library for detect missing components :

Check your electronic card

Find the list of missing components

One click on a missing component in the drop down list permit to access open a web page, where you can buy the missing component.

Authors and Contributors

In August 2014, Christopher Sainsaulieu (@ChristopherSainsaulieu) produced ScanComponentsPCB.

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